A camp experience during the winter months
Who: Students Grades 7-12
Dates: Starts Friday, January 10, 2025.
Where: Registration & Parking at the Red Barn
Time: 7:00 – 11:00pm
Activities: skating on the pond, shinny, sledding, fire pits, wagon rides, snacks, speakers: Stephen & Brittany Dudley(come here the amazing story of God’s healing in their family), worship with The Way youth group, fireworks, bonfire and games at the Ropp’s Acreage.
What to bring: Warm clothing, skates, helmets, hockey stick, puck Admission: $10 Admission, Cash accepted at event or
e-Transfer: finance@bridgesofhope.ca with OHYO registration and your Full Name & email in the memo line and send a screen shot of it to: onehopeyo@gmail.com with which youth it is for.
Waiver form needs to be completed before attending. Please text or email Stephen Ropp for more information.